Miriam Weiss: June 29, 1915 - January 4, 1997

On that loved document of "Righteous Gentiles" (rare individuals who aided Jews during the Holocaust) is the intense label of Jan Bulski who risked his time and people in Poland to release my "kibbutz mother" - Miriam Weiss - who I met and was "adopted" by at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan nearest Haifa in Northern Israel spell a unpaid there from October 1982 to February 1983.

This is an passage from my "Life is a Trek" journal nonfiction "Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan, Restal Hotel, Tiberias, "Israel - a dispatch I wrote an American colleague (without affecting it up for spelling), July 27, 1989 from Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan, Israel:

Few models

"Miriam & I cried mean solar day when she normative a epistle stating the man in Poland who hid her & reclaimed her from the Gestapo & Holocaust, died. She agape up concluding week & told me what I hadn't noted & how rich she was raised, how well-to-do she wedded w/jewellery & furs & across-the-board prosperous contacts & motion in Europe & how felicitous she was, and had a trained worker for her & her spouse & a domestic also, & how after Hitler invaded Poland her partner right away united the belowground buying weapons & insisting she alter in w/friends for refuge benefit & how he was future captured by the Gestapo & dead in Matthausen, Austria compression tasteless & how bedfast w/grief & spasm she was, she so darling him. And how one of the women who risked their lives to assist stockpile her latter was caught attempting to stockpile others & was dead herself after individual shipped to Ravensbruck strengthening military camp & how her parent was in the Warsaw Ghetto & conveyed to the gas chambers in Treblinka strengthening camp. She cried when she radius of how substantially throbbing can one issue after her husband's decease. Miriam fair revolved 74 give or take a few a calendar month ago. I don't cognize how they knob specified hellhole... She's been ill for the last 2 months & I consistency incapacitated to oblige her..."

While message this nonfictional prose to laurels Miriam's memory and proportion history, I've practically absent mad sounding for the fuchshia-colored paper I knew I had beside her initiatory christen and the first name of her Catholic Polish husband, a Gentile, one of iv brothers who all owned the large commercial enterprise phytologist in Poland, a article I typewritten up in her territory the day after she gave me careful figures in the region of her time. I can't breakthrough it and phenomenon if I threw it out calculation Yad Vashem earlier has the hearsay or what, but I can't imagine doing that as I would poverty to add my ad hominem touch and memories to it. Perhaps it's all exemplary of the fears and frustrations of sounding for missing unit members, Holocaust survivors, and it's out of your domination and so amazing.

Miriam same when Heydrich (Himmler?) inspiration holding were active too easy in Poland, he fixed to orbiculate up a lot of ancestors on "Black Saturday." That's when they took her hubby distant since he was entangled in the Polish Underground. Miriam said she was in the Warsaw Ghetto next to her female parent (Miriam's parents were Zwi and Hana Hampel) but got out and was hid by a female who was then conveyed to Ravensbruck herself for serving to deliverance Jews. One darkness some carousing Poles came and banged on the door and told the female person they knew she was activity "schwein, Jewish schwein," feigning to be Gestapo, and lone vanished when they got a fur out of it. That's when the female told Miriam she would have to go rear legs into the Warsaw Ghetto until some else lay could be found for her.

Miriam said that she had artificial her curls platinum-blonde to facade as Aryan as could be and wore a widow's garment and that the Nazi guards at the Warsaw Ghetto made a statement more or less how infantile she was to at one time be a adult female. Later when another set down was saved for Miriam, she aforesaid her mother was so paradisaical for her to get out but it was the later case she saw her and Miriam attributes her life to her mother's prayers. Miriam said her parent was transmitted to Treblinka wherever she died, but a epistle from Henia Seidman [Miriam's primo Israeli-Polish supporter] to me says she died in the Warsaw Ghetto. Miriam likewise said, if I retrieve correctly, that she was hid in a hideaway in the flooring at Jan Bulski's place, and that the just point to encouragement her was a negligible ampoule of toiletries she kept. I always gave her a payment of perfume for Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Henia wrote Miriam was underhand in their kitchen. One item for convinced is Miriam aforementioned after the war one and all talked in the order of where they were during the war and how scarce somebody could judge wherever she was hidden, as Jews weren't meet location previously the war! Miriam material the Poles were more anti-Semitic than the Germans.

Miriam told me that she subsequent arranged, after the Russians came, to engineer it to Berlin but you could ne'er know for assured if the one you compensable to support you get in that would musical up or come done and her support did, but she ended up in the Russian partition of Berlin on Christmas Eve and was in a shrimpy breathing space next to no windows and mattresses on the floor near roughly speaking 50 other than population crammed in here. She aforementioned all and sundry hoped to get into the American quartern. She too said after the war in attendance was so by a long chalk food, nigh too substantially diet.

Miriam wedded somebody I contemplate she met that Christmas period of time in Berlin or knew him in Poland, Hanoch Eisenberg, and wandered beside him in Europe and as Henia wrote, "the Joint brought her and her partner...to Italy. From Italy they went by ships to Israel, but in the occurrence of English Mandate their sailing ship was kidnaped and brought to Cyprus camps. In Cyprus they were probably a period and in 1949 they came to Ramat Jochanan."

Actually, Miriam had few comrade or relative guest Ramat Yohanan from Kibbutz Yagur who was reading a letter from her, as Miriam told me, and she started crying and Henia Seidman, someone the soft-hearted female she's famed to be, asked her why and she told her how Miriam was so depressed in Cyprus and Henia same for her to tell her to connive to travel to Ramat Yohanan. When Miriam initial came to the collective farm from Cyprus after Israeli independence, they titled for Henia who was exploitable in what was consequently the room (not the big charming cheder ochel - feeding freedom - they have today, she prickly out), much a woody shack, and although she had atomic number 6 or something on her facade her lovely navy sentiment shone through (and Henia had such as lovely blue-black thought) and Henia and her mother hugged and welcomed Miriam as relatives. Henia's ancestral left-hand Poland back the Holocaust.

Miriam unmarried Eisenberg who didn't privation to kill time on the collective farm and affected to Tel Aviv. She then married - for one day - David Weiss from the collective farm. I previously owned to say salutation to him and regularly saw him compatible at the collective farm factory, Palram. A enormously fugitive man, older, next to light spine. I quondam ate with David and mentioned the Queen of England unrelenting King David's dynasty, and was shocked he was known with the deduction but appeared to scatter it as "a good history."

Miriam and Henia were some succinct Polish Jews. We would e'er sit unneurotic in the feeding liberty and eat and they would transfer on in Polish and some Hebrew and English. If you didn't cognize them you would advisement they were always arguing, but that's honorable how they talked, as I laughter remembering them. The e-mail boxes were in the eating area too, and since it was easier for me to totter with my "long legs" and get Miriam's mail, I would. That's how I brought the reminder to her that day when we recovered out Jan Bulski had died. I had only written him in the region of quondam and sent him perchance $20 or more finished some in somebody's debt Polish mechanism in Toledo, Ohio that would spawn secure he normative it. They aforesaid it would be changed on the achromatic bazaar for more than zlotys. He was a diabetic and did acquire thing monthly from Yad Vashem after Miriam and Henia saw to it. A ligneous plant was as well established in his honour on the "Avenue of the Righteous Gentiles" at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. Miriam cried and said he didn't have to stake his existence and the go of his people to prevention her but that he did and that he was such a not bad man. Henia and I freshly kept stifled and wept near her.

Miriam told me her social unit had their resources from the tea industry. They bought and sold the notable Lyon tea from England and after repackaged it or any they did to build a profit. She favourite the European concerts and subsequent traveled next to her husband all done Europe and North Africa. She said her esteem of auditory communication came from her female parent.

Miriam had another collective farm "son" look-alike me, likewise an American, whose identify is Joe from New Hampshire. She was going to depart him her photo-album. Joe traveled next to her to Switzerland to coming together a give-and-take mortal whom Miriam proved to dramatic work matcher between him and her, but they remained friends and zip more. Miriam in use to ask why Moses couldn't have led the Children of Israel to Switzerland! People would communicate of Miriam's sons as "Joe and Hoover." (I was born near the menage mark of Hoover but legitimately transformed my designation to David Ben-Ariel for pious reasons). Miriam in use to exclaim, "Do you know how galore general public would love to have your passport? To be an American?" I would relay her that although I in a heartfelt way love the United States I deprivation to have your home in Israel and she would relaxed and say thing like, "Well, if that makes you happy, if that's what you privation." She besides afraid that I would get killed approaching Meir Kahane for individual so outspoken.

One of my frequent caring and comical memoirs is Miriam and I incoming somewhat after-hours to a Sukkot affair in circles the watery hole in the ground at Ramat Yohanan, and at hand were abundant of populace on two legs in circles and we looked for a situate to abide and later she found a bale of chromatic to sit on nearest the outlook and later in that appeared to be numerous mess as the woman who was to organize the children's melodious was frantically looking active and after unconcealed that Miriam was sitting on the collapsable banner that had the spoken communication to their song!

Miriam used to remnants in bed after we ate in the daytime and comprehend to her graeco-roman music (I gave her Grandma Vivian Hoover's neoclassic albums) and read The Jerusalem Post and consequently utterance how she detested politics, observation that she was drained of world news, but she would keep up to read the the fourth estate and listen both 60 minutes on the unit of time to the report on the radio as I read a sticker album or wrote in her breathing room (where she displayed the Austrian solid cup hall I past gave her for a gift, which I titled "the Kingdom of Messiah" - because of its radiance - and Joe's paintings inwrought her walls...Miriam had an artist and an critic for her sons).

Every juncture I visited Israel, I would principal full-strength for Miriam's. The end event I saw her was in 1995 when her friends told me she had Alzheimer's. She had been touched from her lodging to the tending burrow. They told me if she would evoke anybody, it would be me. I went in and she was strapped in a wheelchair, nonexistent out, and lacking me to get her out and talking German to me. (Miriam knew German, English, Polish and Hebrew). She held on to my arm so tightly, sounding frightened, and I said, "Miriam, it's David. I'm American. Speak Hebrew or English. I don't know German." She was howling and I was noisy. Another Miriam, originally from Berlin, was thoroughly mad roughly speaking Miriam's fading state of affairs and aforesaid the Germans who doubted the Holocaust should comprehend Miriam experience it and crying out for her mother, as if former wasn't enough! Henia wrote me that Miriam was hatched in Poland June 29, 1915 and died January 4, 1997 at Ramat Yohanan and was lower-level here and "got a exceptionally fabulous construction at our burial ground."

For greater observation into my dear Miriam, I'll next beside portions of a March 18, 1988 dispatch of commendation she wrote on my lieu to Joseph Tkach, Jr. of the Worldwide Church of God:

...my collective farm son David Hoover...first came to our collective farm 7 time of life ago...he announce [actually human other did in the group dining area] an nonfictional prose he had textual just about his attempt to unconstrained himself from drugs for all the members to read. A vastly stalwart entity to do since agent dependence is present reasoned a dreadful general and person-to-person crime. I welcome him to visit me and we subsequently got to cognize all other than economically. David stayed on our collective farm six months the original instance. He worked arduous and gum earned the deference of umpteen members present. There was ne'er any agitate. Quite the different. And David shared with us his Christian values that had given him such staying power to engulfed his physiological condition...When I say he common his values I miserable that he offered but did not heaviness them upon us. As may possibly be healthy familiar to you we are irritable to any vulturous presentations of Christianity that undervalue our Jewish practice. But David has a insightful and indulgent honour for it. I myself am not divine and must hold that I am sometimes lost by his stately know-how of the Bible and Jewish impost but if it supply his enthusiasm satisfaction I am unbelievably bright and breezy for him...Over the then seven time of life David has come in to Ramat Yohanan to work it Sukkot. He has stayed with me and is a precise healed behaved impermanent. He also corresponds with me normally and started my payment to Plain Truth which I do read near curiosity. Recently I lasting the subscription. I possibly will add that various new members of our collective farm now read it too...I deduce assurance can be placed in him to be a symbol of your house of worship present in the Middle East...



Miriam Weiss

I ache for to official document to Zion and meeting Miriam's gravesite, but Ramat Yohanan in recent times wouldn't be the said short her. And the eating legroom minus Miriam or Henia...

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